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Showing posts from 2015

Pintrest I Amarillo Photographer

The good idea for today?  You should follow Astounding Photography on Pintrest!!  You can thank me later ;)

Hughey Family I Amarillo Photographer

When a family comes in from New Mexico and stands in front of your camera!  They didn't disappoint!  Thank you Hughey Family! October 2015 Location: Amarillo, TX

Astounding Photographer I Amarillo Photographer

A year ago today I became a professional photographer.  I decided to get out of my comfort zone in only shooting my family and help capture memories for other families. I have had many friends in front of my camera this year along with new clients that have become friends and have witnessed many milestones. I am so very grateful for the patience my family has with me when I have to learn something new and use them as guinea pigs. I am grateful for my growing client list and I just absolutely love seeing my "work" hanging in homes and framed in their offices. It means a lot! This year as I look back I have captured 6 weddings, 15 families, Business Group Photos, 3 engagements, 4 newborns, 3 couples, a birth, children's milestones, best friends, a graduate, and my pets are still getting used to me walking around the back yard to "test" lighting or focus.  Very fun and exciting things are coming up for 2016. Thank you to everyone that has stood in fron...

Pumpkin Patch fun! I Amarillo Photographer

I might be biased, but this is the cutest pumpkin at the patch! I have one more slot available for a mini session at the patch!! Call today 806.567.0636 to book your session for Oct 25 at 3pm Location : Amarillo, TX

Best Friend Session I Amarillo Photographer

One million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets, one reason:  BEST FRIENDS Wether  you and your best friend are 1 or 100, it's always a good idea to have Best Friend Pictures taken. They can tell the story of your everlasting friendship and why the two of you crossed paths in each others life!  Call today to book a fun and exciting Best Friend Session! 806.567.0636 Location: Amarillo, TX

Archer I Amarillo Photographer

One and a half years old and so full of energy and curiosity!  It is such a fun age to capture milestones! Call me today so we can book your little one! 806.567.0636 Location: Amarillo, TX

5th Grade I Amarillo Photographer

Jessie is so very grateful I never make them dress up in stuffy clothes to sit and "pose" in uncomfortable positions in a studio! The city we live in has some great "backdrops" for pictures! Call today to book your session! 806.567.0636 Location: Downtown Amarillo, TX

Freshman Session I Amarillo Photographer

O the high school years have begun!!  Call me now to book your session! 806.567.0636 Location: Tascosa High School  Amarillo, TX

Mini - Session Special I Amarillo Photographer

It's that time of year!

Lovvorn Family Session Palo Duro Canyon I Amarillo Photographer

When Sanja had her Mother's Day mini-session in May we talked about a session with her whole family. I knew I wanted the weather to be a bit cooler and at a place that was open and beautiful. So what a great day to shoot her family on the last official weekend of summer than at the gorgeous Palo Duro Canyon. I love going out there and sometimes feel I take it for granted. This Canyon has been my neighbor for 37 years and I don't visit it as much as I should. I am glad that I became a professional photographer so I can enjoy it more :) Thank you again Lovvorn Family! You are all fun to be around! 9.19.15

Montalbo Wedding - Temple, Texas I Amarillo Photographer

Congrats Joey and Chelsea!! Temple, Tx 9.5.15

Amarillo Photographer

Photographers often work crazy hours: they’re up late in the evening editing, sending emails, and working on their websites. However, it’s important to set your schedule and stick to it. It will give you the opportunity to fit in hobbies and family time, as well as meet your strict deadlines without feeling overwhelmed.   --- Source ShootProof Blog Often times I have great weeks where everything runs smooth. Other times its hectic and I never feel like I will get it all done. Clients, whether they are family or friends, come first when I sit down to work. I like to say I have business hours, but in all honesty I work until I have product in hand to my clients. Even if that means going to bed after midnight or working on a Sunday morning.  I do try to find that balance in running an at home business and do my best not to let it interfere with my family. Cause in the short and long of it, they do come first. I have the privilege to work from home and grow my busi...

Pin-Up Session I Amarillo Photogrpaher

Any time Anna calls me up to do pictures this happens! She has beautiful daughters that LOVE being in front of my camera. I love when she calls me up, she always has great and crazy ideas. The weather in the Texas Panhandle doesn't always cooperate. But considering it was the end of August and for whatever reason it was 68 degrees, over cast, and windy, they still braved it and the end result is some great candid memories! Location: Car City  -  Amarillo, Texas

Family Session I Amarillo Photographer

I met these 2 boys in 2007. They were so little and full of life. Now they are teenagers and ready to take on the world.  Jakob and Erik - Great things are coming ya'lls way! Conquer the world!
Back to School!!! Great deals are taking place for the 2015-16 School year! Whether you have a little one going in to Pre-K or Kindergarten or a  child going in to High School  (and anything and everything in between)  now is a great time to book a session for some  "outside of the box" photos! It's not too late to book High School or College Graduate sessions either! Great package deals apply to those as well! Call today to discuss a Back to School Photo Package that is designed to fit your needs! 806-477.8285 or email:

Amarillo Photographer

Some great things happening in August and the upcoming months: Family Session this weekend Back to School Session in two weeks Family Reunion Event Aug 29-30 Out of town wedding first weekend in Sept 2 Palo Duro Family Sessions in September Wedding in October And also in October I will begin to create sessions for Christmas cards and Family Gatherings What a great start to fall! HAPPY FRIDAY!

Happy Anniversary I Amarillo Photographer

When clients are still young in LOVE, it makes my HEART happy! Happy Monday! Happy (early) Anniversary to a GREAT and FUN couple! Location: First Baptist Church

Downtown Amarillo I Amarillo Photographer

Dana and Mitch have never had pictures done before! I fixed that real quick! :) Thank you Dana for calling on me and I look forward to many more candid moments with the two of you.

Family Session I Amarillo Photographer

Anna's niece is in town for a summer visit and wanted a quick photo session before she went home. I have to say I am in LOVE with every single photo and the fun, sass, and style these two brought to this session. Anna thank you for calling on me and trusting me once again to capture every thing your sweet heart desired!! Location: Downtown Amarillo, Texas

Mattie Jung I Amarillo Photographer

Mattie wanted a photo shoot for her 14th birthday. And she also wants to be a photographer. She is a girl after my own heart. Happy (early) Birthday, Mattie! I had lots of fun! Location: Amarillo, Texas

Engagement Session I Amarillo Photographer

Love my couples. And my friends. And weather friendly sessions. Happy Engagement Ryan and Rachel! Location: Amarillo, Texas